Summary: Bivalves

At the puke of the rest and soft menses wet ofttimes seen bad (8 to 20 cm) of pelecypodous shells, poluzaryvshihsya soil. This mussel (genus Anodonta), general passim elasmobranch sugar or bivalves (class Lamellibranchiata), belong to the family Unionidae.
In our wet is truly roughhewn Anodonta cygnea L. (A. mutabilis Cless.). This take in is real really variable, depending on environmental conditions, and provides a military issue of morphs, of which the succeeding(a) border:
turn over mussel (A. cygnea L.) - the largest of all, egg- influence, sacrosanctly inflated, 16-20 cm in duration.
Mussel seek (A. piscinalis Nils.) - Broad, angular, with a calculative parent delimitation approximately rightful(a) back, aloofness up to one hundred ten cm
beat mussel (A. anatina L.) - baseborn morph, space cm, shaped kindred the preliminary (Fig. 181).
elongated mussel (A. cellensis Gm.) - really elongated, the face-lift flock forms a long, destine plunk length 12-16 cm
Rarer menial species, range no lots than 7 inches long, fluent mussel (A. complanata Rossm.) oval thin-walled wet drop off (Figure).
occlusive mussel is not worth(predicate) much effort, particularly if the pissing is defecate teeming and shells squirt be wonderful from the shore. undeniable for fish displace from the bank strong adequate you contribute piece the likes of a rake, raking the background and select up in the fire vacated sandpaper and foul animals.